Old Main at Osawatomie State Hospital
(Click on image for larger view)

The demolition of "Old Main", the former administration building of Osawatomie State Hospital,
located in Miami County, a mile north of Osawatomie, Kansas on the opposite side of the
Marais des Cygnes river, has created about as much controversy as a few other State
of Kansas issues during the year 2002.

Cloaked in history, this was one of the few original buildings still standing that represented
an era of mental health facilities and treatment dating as far back as 1860, when the first
building was erected on the original tract of land that became Osawatomie State Hospital.

Beautiful architecture, decor and deep red bricks will no longer stand near the main entrance of the
Osawatomie State Hospital campus as it is being demolished during the month of October 2002.
The trellis, water pool and fountains across the street, adjacent to a 1934 sunken garden remain.

( End Part 1 )

Note: This series of photographs were taken on August 30, 2002.

To see a photograph of what Osawatomie State Hospital looked like in the 1800's
click here:

All photos © 2002 by don Palmer