35sunf.gif (2589 bytes) Cheyenne Bottoms                Marsh.gif (2248 bytes)
                                                                                             Wildlife Area - Part 2

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Yellow-headed Black birds are real insect-mosquito hunters and spend a lot of time
along the roadways in the grass.  I shot several photos in the grass, but couldn't get
a good full shot until they perched in the open.

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Only two shots each before they took flight.   Great Blue Heron (Photos two and four).

Center photo is a Blue-winged Teal.  Both outside photos (One and five) is a
Black-crowned Night Heron.

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Swimmers, waders and shorebirds are all in abundance at Cheyenne Bottoms.  Wood Ducks are some
of the more colorful, of which I had a pair in my own backyard earlier this year (See Touch of Spring).

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American White Pelicans - Quite a few of these, but far out on the water required us to stretch
the camera capability in both optical and digital telephoto mode.

All photos � 2002 by don Palmer